For contractors who need to apply a superior finish at a moment’s notice, dependable on-site finishing equipment is key. Springer Industrial can provide the right combination of on-site finishing equipment whether the job takes place inside or out. From adding an attractive, rugged finish to exterior iron fences and stair railings to revitalizing the shine of ornate brass furnishings throughout the interior of historic hotels – our team has provided on-site contractors with the equipment they need to get the job done right.
User safety is also important to Springer Industrial. We offer on-site equipment training, as well as a wide-range of personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure that everyone involved in the application process has the knowledge and gear to stay protected from start-to-finish.
What our products are used on:
- Exterior Gates/Fences
- Stair Cases/Railings
- Interior/On-site Structural Beams
- Balconies
- Railings
- Outdoor Furniture
- Ornamental Iron Pieces
- Brass Fixtures Elevators
- Ransburg No.2 Process On Site Electrostatic System
- Electrostatic Paint
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)